
  • 10 years

    10 years

    YetiShare / Core


How to remove a plugin


You need to reinstall a plugin however there's no remove link in the admin area for the existing one.


You can remove a plugin manually by following these steps. Note: This will permanently delete any settings associated with the plugin. You should also backup your database before making any changes.

  • Via FTP remove the plugin code from within /plugins/ including the folder itself. i.e. /plugins/rewards
  • Remove the same code on any external file storage servers, if you use them.
  • In the database remove the entry in the 'plugin' table. You'll see the 'folder_name' matches the folder you just removed in the previous step.
  • In the database delete any tables used by the plugin, if they exist. These will be in the format 'plugin_*'. So for the rewards plugin they are called:
    • plugin_reward
    • plugin_reward_affiliate_id
    • plugin_reward_aggregated
    • etc

You should now be set to reinstall the plugin via the admin area.