Plowshare Installation
Plowhsare main site:
How To Install Plowshare:
From Source:
mkdir -p ~/plowshare
cd ~/plowshare
git clone
cd plowshare
make install
And modules:
mkdir -p ~/.config/plowshare/modules.d
cd ~/.config/plowshare/modules.d
curl -L -k | tar zxf -
mv plowshare-modules-legacy-master legacy
In CentOs:
yum install plowshare
Error:You get this file trying a leech:
Error: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------[0m
Look in the admin area logs. If you should see the following:
Your plowshare installation has currently no module.
(/.config/plowshare/modules.d/ is empty)
Fix:This is an issue around the environment variables and paths PHP sets up. Via SSH find the correct path to the modules:
locate /plowshare/modules.d/
Copy the modules (in the path shown by the above command) to the path in the error logs: (replace the paths below as you need)
mkdir -p /.config/plowshare/modules.d
cp -r /root/.config/plowshare/modules.d/ /.config/plowshare/
This should correct the issue above.
Error:Plowshare works on the command line but not via the script. The script logs show the following:
Your plowshare installation has currently no module.
(/dev/null/.config/plowshare/modules.d/ is empty)
Check the Nginx homedir (as the script runs under this user when not using Apache):
$ cat /etc/passwd
If it's /dev/null you should apply the following fix.
Fix:$ mkdir /home/nginx
$ chown nginx:nginx /home/nginx
$ chmod 700 /home/nginx
$ service nginx stop
$ usermod --home /home/nginx nginx
$ service nginx start
$ mkdir -p /home/nginx/.config/plowshare/
$ cp -r /root/.config/plowshare/modules.d/ /home/nginx/.config/plowshare/
Reboot the server after these changes.
$ reboot
Source -
Usage examples
All five scripts share the same verbose options: -v0 (alias: -q), -v1 (errors only), -v2 (infos message; default), -v3 (show all messages), -v4(show all messages, HTML pages and cookies, use this for bug report).
- Download a file from RapidShare:
$ plowdown
- Download a file from HotFile using an account (free or premium):
$ plowdown -a myuser:mypassword
Note: Don't forget to simple quote if your credentials have got characters that bash can interpret. For example: 'matt:foo$bar' or 'matt:foo+ -bar'.
- Download a file from Oron with service (feature added since 2012.02.01):
$ plowdown --antigate=key
- Download a file from Oron with Death by Captcha service (feature added since 2012.05.04):
$ plowdown --deathbycaptcha='user:pass'
- Download a file from RapidShare with a proxy. curl supports http_proxy and https_proxy environment variables (notice that 3128 is the default port).
$ export http_proxy=
$ plowdown
- Download a list of links (one link per line):
$ cat file_with_links.txt
# This is a comment
$ plowdown file_with_links.txt
- Download a list of links (one link per line) commenting out (with #) those successfully downloaded:
$ plowdown -m file_with_links.txt
- Limit the download rate (in bytes per second). Accepted prefixes are k, K, Ki, M, m, Mi:
$ plowdown --max-rate 900K
- Download a password-protected link from Mediafire:
$ plowdown -p somepassword
- Avoid never-ending downloads: limit the number of tries (for captchas) and wait delays for each link:
$ plowdown --max-retries=20 --timeout=3600 ...