
  • 9 years

    4 years

    YetiShare / Core


Remote URL upload progress indicator not being displayed.

Remote URL upload progress indicator not being displayed.

There are several reasons why the remote url progress indicator will not show. They will be different for Apache2 and Nginx.


You will need access to your main php.ini file and set the following

output_buffering = 4096
output_handler =
zlib.output_compression = Off
zlib.output_compression_level = -1
zlib.output_handler =

Once you have made the edits, you will need to restart apache.


You will need to make the edits in the php.ini file as shown above, plus the following

Edit nginx.conf *

fastcgi_keep_conn on;
fastcgi_buffering off;
proxy_buffering off;
gzip off;

* Note: The settings may be in specific "domain.conf" files, the path to these files should be listed in the main nginx.conf file.

You will need to restart Nginx after making the changes for the changes to take effect.

Test buffering is working after you've made the changes.

You can test that buffering is working by running a test script on your install. Login to your admin area the load this url:


Click on the "Output Buffering" button. The output of the file should be:

***wait 1 second***
***wait 1 second***
***wait 1 second***
***wait 1 second***

If the information is shown on screen after 10 seconds then buffering still isn't working, further investigation will be required.